Saturday, August 27, 2011

Driving Miss Baylee....

Thursday afternoon Baylee had Tumbling, I threw my keys on the front seat of the car and put her in the backseat and told her to start buckling up. I had some garbage to throw away so I ran to the backyard to throw it away when I heard my car start! I sprinted to the car freaking out to find Baylee in the front seat starting the car for me. How sweet right, no not when you are FOUR YEARS OLD! I told her it was naughty and that she could never do that again. All she could say in between crying was please don't tell my dad :( We can laugh about it now, but I'm now a little concerned with what she will be up to next! ( For everyone's information this picture was taken a couple days later. I didn't want her to think this was something funny)

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