Wednesday, September 18, 2013

2013-2014 School Year

Here are my Beautiful daughters on their first days back this new school year; Brynlee started fourth grade and Baylee started first grade. WOW, I just can't believe where the time went with my little kids at home. They are all in school now and you would think I have a lot of free time but actually I am busier than I have ever been. The girls were so excited to start school and seriously we lucked out with them both getting the best teachers ever at Bell View. I always said that when all my kids were in school full time I would get a job at their school and that is just what I did. I was lucky enough to get hired over the summer to work in the lunchroom as the noon nutrition aide. I work from 12-2 and love seeing my girls every day at lunch. The job is great and I am so busy that the time flies by, the only part I don't enjoy is being sweaty after the two hours are up.
Connor started his freshman year at Jordan High School and is loving every minute of it. Connor has always been so independent and walks to and from school every day. Carson started seventh grade at Eastmont Middle School and is slowly adjusting. Carson is very reserved and timid at school and doesn't like to be put on the spot but is doing well. Life is so crazy having four kids in school, homework, sports, scouts, working, PTA, and such that I am actually going to bed before midnight for once in my life. I know I will never get back these moments with my kids so I am trying to enjoy the craziness and love every minute of it at the same time.

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