Sunday, November 17, 2013

We are the Champions!!!


This year in football has been a rough one for Carson. We decided to Z him down an age group because he was the smallest in his age group, literally. Carson made the A team which means the top team and boy do we regret that decision. This has been the worst experience for Carson and for us as parents. Carson was not treated the way that we think he should have been and the coach was mostly the problem. We struggled all year and at the beginning Carson wanted to quit but we taught him to never quit on a team and to put forth your best effort. Thank goodness the boys on the team embraced Carson and treated him well. They had a great season with only one loss to Bingham. They went to the playoffs and won and then played in the Championship game a week ago. They won, and it was so exciting!!
 This was such a learning experience and I hope Carson found some inner strength that he didn't know he had. Carson is just the sweetest boy that I know and trys so hard at everything that he does. Sometimes things don't come super easy for him but he always trys his best! I love you Carson thanks for making this momma so proud!!

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