Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Brace Face!

When I picked Connor up from school last Thursday he had a big grin on his face. A couple hours later here he is sporting his new metal mouth and by night he was in a lot of pain. I don't think he realized how sore his mouth would be. Now he is almost a week into having braces and is now starting to eat normally again. I hope he will realize one day how hard it was for his dad and I to scrounge up $4500.00 to get him braces. I almost wondered if we might not be able to do this for him but thankfully we made it happen even giving up the trip money that we had saved to go on a fifteen year anniversary trip this year. I had my braces on at Connors same age and I know that I am very grateful for my parents for sacrificing for me to have straight teeth. His orthodontist said that he would have them on for about 18-24 months so we will see how it goes! I sure do love this kid and even though he has some teenage attitude moments he really is a good kid and I appreciate him always willing to babysit his younger siblings for his dad and I when we need a date night. Last week he babysat so we could go to the Temple, it had been such a long time since we had been and it was so needed! So to my awesome son Connor Thank you! I Love you, Mom!

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