Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Baylee's First Day as a Kindergartener!

Tuesday September fourth I sent my little baby girl off to Kindergarten! She was so excited and talked about this day for months. I shed a few tears while I was getting her ready but when I took her out to the bus I held it together. She was so excited and had the best day in Mrs. Platt's classroom. I'm so lucky to be this precious little diva's mom, and have treasured the past five years with my last baby! I can't believe how fast the time has gone since I brought this little one home from the hospital and now I'm sending her off to school. I am so blessed to be a stay at home mom and to know that I gave my children the best start to life that I possibly could makes all the tough times worth it! So what did I do with my first afternoon to myself, shocking I know but a Costco I did go, did some laundry and cleaned up the house. I love you sweet Baylee and am so proud to be your mommy!! Your such a big girl now!!

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