Sunday, December 30, 2012

Jordan Football- Connor

Connor had a fun year as a Bantam, his jersey number was 63 this year. Connor gave us a scare at the beginning of the season with an injury that he got during tryouts. He was in a lot of pain pre-season and his coach told us to take him in and get him checked out. We found out that he had a slight fracture to his ninth rib. He was told not to play football or even move his arms up and down for 4-6 weeks. We were so worried about his season but with lots of prayers and Connor's determination he was only out for two weeks which was perfect timing for his first preseason game. Connor's main position this year was defensive-end and running back. Connor did a great job and made several touch downs over the season. He went up against some big boys and held his own! Connor made the A team this year and was in a tough division. Despite winning only their preseason game, Connor and his team made the best of it. They had  great coaches who instilled that it's more important to be great men then to win every game. Connor made great friends this year and is looking forward to trying out for the high school football team next year!

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