Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Connor's 13th Birthday!!

September 17th my first born son became a TEENAGER! I can't believe how fast he's grown up. This year his birthday fell on a Saturday and it was a busy day. We started the day off by going to his cousin's football game, after we all went to McDonald's. This is one of Connors favorite places to eat!

Connor then had a football game against Copper Hills. They won 28-0. It was a great game Connor scored a touchdown and three extra points! I also made his favorite cupcakes, chocolate with peanut butter frosting and gave them out to his football team after the game!

Then Connor had a party with seven of his friends. We went to Airborne Trampoline Arena and then fed the boys pizza and cupcakes. Connor was way excited for all his gifts and really loved the Utes t-shirt that his friend got him. Connor had recently switched over from being a BYU fan to being a Ute fan. Where did I go wrong with this child? All kidding aside Connor is such a good kid. He is at that age where he is testing the limit and getting a bit mouthy but overall he is a great son. He is so smart and talented and has lots of friends. His passion right now is obviously football, and he is really good at it! His coach says he runs through the line like a mac truck. ( His position this year his running back) Happy Birthday to my teenager, let the games begin!

1 comment:

Davenports said...

He is growing up too fast!!