Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I love you Tooth Fairy…

Brynlee had a great week, she lost two teeth two days in a row. The first night the tooth fairy left her $1.50. The next day Brynlee was very disappointed in what was left for her. Later that day she lost her second tooth and was very excited. So late that night the tooth fairy sneaked into her room only to find this on Bryn lee's pillow..

family pictures 2010 022

It was a note that read:

I love you tooth Firy, Love Brynlee next tooth Firy iF you Give Me- 10 Bucks I’ll Give you this tooth thak’s tooth Firy yor the Best. (then she drew a cute picture of her and the tooth Fairy) this is Facke Moniy – you can keepe – it xoxoxo

The tooth fairy left Brynlee a two dollar bill and she was very happy to take it even if it wasn't a ten dollar bill! How cute is that I can just picture her in her room working so hard on this note and so excited for the tooth fairy to find it. I love being a Mom!

family pictures 2010 001 Here she is the next day showing off her missing front teeth!


Michelle said...

Tristan and I are literally laughing out loud. How sweet is that, seriously!

Ashley said...

Such a cute letter! Sounds like a girl who knows what she wants!! I can relate:)

Kellybee said...

That is so cute. I love how kids spell things.

Mandy said...

So cute!!! She has a cute personality! Wish we lived closer, so I could see it more often!