Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Brynlee's Second Grade Program

On Wednessday Brynlee had her second grade program at school. Warren and I went and watched and it was such a sweet program. The kids sang so beautifully and the last two songs brought me to tears. Surprise, surprise I know that's all I do is cry. Brynlee has had such an amazing year in second grade I'm sad it's ending for her. The last picture is Brynlee with her teacher Mrs. Bingham. Brynlee has had one of the best years and has been so lucky to have Mrs. Bingham. She is the best teacher and she does so many things for her class that I know goes above and beyond. I love that her teacher takes lots of pictures and puts them on facebook for us parents. This is how I know what a great teacher she is because she documents everything the kids do and posts it for us to see. It's so great! Brynlee loves Mrs. Bingham so much that she made sure we got her a birthday present back in March. I'm such a proud mom!!

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