Monday, May 21, 2012

Sandy City Spring Soccer

So Carson had another successful year of soccer, he just amazes me. He is so talented and fun to watch I wish the season hadn't ended so soon. Carson mostly played forward which worked out great for the team because he scored in just about every game. I had many parents come up and tell me how skilled Carson is in soccer and that he should keep playing. I have actually been trying to talk him into signing up for competition soccer again but he won't budge because he wants to keep playing football too. I hope he changes his mind one day because I think he could really go somewhere in the sport of soccer. The last picture is of Carson and his second cousin who played against each other. They don't  know each other but his mom is my cousin Angie. Carson keep playing soccer you are so sweet to watch and I'm so proud to be your mom, love ya!!

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